2019 was a super busy year for my band Kettlestrings, and I finished strong in December with my TEDx Talk through TEDx Oak Park Women. It's hard to believe that was already a year ago. 2020 started off strong with my acoustic trio rehearsals and performances, Kettlestrings' shows and our residency at the Friendly Tap, and then everything came to a screeching halt.

Or so I thought.
Like for everyone I know, things changed. Both my gas tank and home remained full 24/7. I finished up some important wellness performances on Zoom and jumped into the pool of therapists at work helping healthcare workers cope with the stress of serving in the early days of the pandemic. I closed my office and shifted to tele-health in my private practice, and I began assembling a new team via online interviews and remote orientation. It's certainly been a year of learning and taking chances. Although my family may be short-tempered with each other at times, we have definitely grown closer. I'm deepening my sensitivity to those who suffer -- there is a lot of it as we all are too aware -- and what it means to witness the resilience of people.
There have been a few tunes born out of these long days. One in particular is about insomnia. I've been working on it in my home studio, and I hope to share it soon with those of you who are interested. I'm also working on a not yet released original song that has stuck with me for many years. There is also a super fun video that Kettlestrings finished that I'll be sharing with you in a day or two (consider this your alert to stay tuned!)
This week I was honored to record a vocal track for a composer I admire quite a bit, and on Friday I get to offer a wellness concert with the Orland Park library.
So, December appears to be finishing strong again, just a very different kind of strong.
I hope you have moments of beauty and strength to reflect upon as we enter this holiday season. Peace on earth, friends. Enjoy the season. Count your blessings where ever you can find them.
And most definitely, keep singing.
- Victoria