I'm a bit of a private person, but I can tell you that I've done a little crying in the shower lately.
Admittedly I don't do that very often, cry in the shower that is. There are easy going times, and there are times that I need to lean in a little more. I think I'm leaning in. I've not planned a summer vacation and clearly, summer is almost over. I just haven't. There's been too much to worry about and just maintaining has seemed a lot to attend to lately.
My whole family has vacationed in their own individual ways. I've been holding down the fort, quite willingly, actually. If they can step away, then why not. Have at it. Enjoy, yes!!
I'm not sure how to do that though, so I've been taking a different approach.
This body I've been carrying around for a while now has been doing some holding on, and frankly, I'm kinda tired of it and am ready to release. So, I've done the responsible things.
I've had a mammogram. AOK. Check.
I've had a bone density scan. AOK. Check.
Got that suspicious mole removed. Check.
I've got a chiropractor, a massage therapist, a primary care physician, and soon a verbal therapist to process the minutia of life. Check.
I'm now taking some fancy supplements to detox my gut and support my nutrition.
I'm on a mission to declutter my environment with intentionality. I think I'm making my family a bit nutty with this actually. I think they try to stay out of my way, so that's appreciated.
I could do a little better managing my deep details (does anyone actually balance their checkbook anymore?)
But now, to the point. None of this had made me feel all that much better. Harumph.
Then this last weekend something miraculous happening. A few music loving friends of mine invited me to sit under the stars in beautiful concert venues and listen to music that I love both Saturday and Sunday nights. Wow!

And what happened? I laughed, I watched and listened to great musicians do what they love. I got fresh evening air at Ravinia. I had a nice glass of wine at a Canal Shores concert. And you know what? I felt SO MUCH BETTER!
So, the moral of the story is, sometimes you need to listen to your own advice and let the music move you and find your smile. I did. Just what the doctor should have ordered.
Wishing you some great outdoor music too. Be sure to find it while the evenings are still warm.